Narrator(Jor): Welcome! We are live now. this should be recorded.
Athenos(Jor): I believe I am who I am.
Giderah(Jor): Brilliant you are.
Tamorayn(Jor): Help! I've fallen in a well!
Celia(Jor): I'll be right there!
*Rushes across the field* Athenos(Nyx): Rawr!
Tamorayn(Joe): Settle down Athenos!
*bites your head off* Tamorayn(Joe):
*spurts blood* Athenos(Nyx): Ca-Kaw!
*Comes back to life Magically* AHAHAHAHA
Tamorayn(Joe): I will get you back!
*swoops down and Bites Owl-face* Athenos(Nyx): Nooooo!